Saturday, 13 October 2012

SP FanFic Other Dimention Part 02


This is the next part I hope you like it!!!

The next day Adelle walked in to Lord Vile’s room and started to clean.
“Aha just where I left you” she said as she walked over to the coffee table, picked the paper up and opened it up. She looked and found a response.
“Huh, I actually got a response” she said sounding surprised

Dear A curious person

No I wouldn’t mind answering a few questions.
No it is not because I don’t like the food, it looks and smells great. I just don’t need to eat.
Yes the bed is more comfortable than the chair, but I don’t need to sleep either, so I don’t really need to use the bed.

Now ‘A curious person’ I have answered your questions it is only fair that you answer some form me.

What is your given name?

How did you get in here?

And why did you want to ask me questions?


Lord Vile

Dear Lord Vile

My given name is Adelle, but I will not tell you my last name because that I want to keep private.

I came through the doors from the hall.

I asked you the questions because I was, and still am, a curious person.



Dear Adelle

It is good to know that you have a name other than ‘a curious person’.
I must ask did you know doors are for people with no imagination. If so then why didn’t you use the window?


Lord Vile

Dear Lord Vile

Yes I did know that people with no imagination use doors, because my parents use doors and they have no imagination, although doors are more for people who are lazy. And as fun as it would be to climb through a window, it would require more energy and time than I have, I also might not get there without falling, and we can’t all shadow walk where ever we want like you.

And sorry for the late reply I was too busy yesterday to drop it in your room.



Dear Adelle

Yes, looking out my veranda and finding a dead person in the garden might not be what I want to see when I look outside. So I see why you use doors. I too use doors but I have an imagination. And by saying that your parents have no imagination are you saying that all people your parent’s age and older have no imagination?


Lord Vile

Dear Lord Vile

I am glad that you do not want to see me dead in the garden, not only would it ruin the view but I would be dead, and that I don’t particularly want! And no I am not implying that all people my parent’s age and older have no imagination, it is just most fail to have an imagination beyond what is realistic! They probably used to, but is has long since been worn out. And you said that you had an imagination, so if you have an imagination than that would not imply that people older than my parents don’t have imaginations considering you are much older than my parents.
This might rude of me but how old are you exactly?



Dear Adelle

Sorry for the late reply I had to go out yesterday and the day before so I could not reply till today.

I am glad that your parents have at least a limited imagination, but still poor them for losing a great thing.
Adelle I shall not tell you my exact age because you do not need t know my exact age … for that matter you do not even need to know my age at all! Unless you were … never mind that thought is none of your concern.

I am over 400 years old; yes I am much older than your grandfather and much better looking!

But my looks are a story for another day.

Adelle, I know it is impolite to ask a lady her age, but well … I told you mine so it would be fair!
So Adelle how old are you?


Lord Vile


It had been a week and a half since Adelle gave her first letter to Lord Vile and they had passed about eight letters, four each. The replies were not always one day after another. Sometimes they were busy and had to wait till the next day to receive a letter. But their conversations were constant and interesting. Lord Vile talked more on paper than she expected, but she wasn’t complaining. She walked in to lord Vile’s room. He was at lunch, one of the other maids told her before she left. So she did not need to knock. She did a bit of dusting for a couple of minutes, and then she went over to the coffee table and pulled out the piece of paper from the pocket in her apron. She placed down the piece of paper but because before she could pull her hand away the door opened and Lord Vile walked in. She froze her fingers still on the edge of the paper. She turned white, her face covered with shock. They looked at each other for a few long moments. Then Adelle relaced the paper and bowed.
“I’m so sorry for disturbing you I didn’t know you were going to be in here, I thought you were at lunch. I’m terribly sorry! If you want I can leave and come back later when you’re not here!” Adelle blurted out.
Lord Vile strode over to her, his night black armour shifting as he moved.
“You may continue” he whispered, his voice cold and hollow, then he genially picked up the paper on the coffee table and walked over to the writing desk. Adelle stood there for a few moments staring at the back of Lord Vile’s head. Did he really just talk to her? With her mind whirling the managed to get back to dusting, she tried to avoid getting too close to lord Vile.

Lord Vile was surprise to see such a young person placing down the letter. He felt sorry for her when she saw him. She went as white as a sheet! Obviously she wasn’t expecting him to come in when she was there. She was a new maid and younger than most he had seen before. It made sense that she was the one to be giving him the letters, after all he usually found them after lunch and that was when the maids generally cleaned the bedrooms. He mainly ignored her babbling told her to continue then collected the letter which he read at the desk.

Dear Lord Vile

Yes you are much older than all of my grandparent’s age’s put together!
Oh I loved my grandfather, on my mother’s side, I never really knew my dad’s dad. But my mother’s dad, oh he was great! He used to tell us wonderful stories. My parents might not have a great imagination but my grandfather definitely did! He never ran out of stories to tell. Although occasionally he would repeat one, but we would never care because they were so good. I was so sad when he died last year!

As for my age I am 17 nowhere near as old as you!

When the only area that she hadn’t dusted was the area of the desk, she went and made the bed.  When she was almost done making the bed Lord Vile got up and went over to the book shelf, grabbed a book and went over to the chairs. Before he sat down he placed the letter that he had just written on the coffee table. Adelle finished making the bed then went over to the desk and dusted there.  
“Um do you want me to collect the letter?” she asked as she walked over to the coffee table
Lord Vile turned his head “Adelle can take the Letter” he said
“Um, I’m Adelle Lord Vile. Nice to meet you” she said as she picked up the letter.
“Um … I should get going, bye” Adelle gave a hasty bow; quickly gathered her stuff then hurried out the door.

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